5 Best Tips For Arranging Outdoor Patio Furniture

Arranging Outdoor Patio Furniture

Like painting or photography, arranging furniture is an art form. Some people have a natural eye for where furniture should be arranged to best complement the space, while others struggle mightily with the process. Arranging outdoor patio furniture can be especially difficult, and if you have purchased or are thinking of purchasing new furniture for an outdoor space, it can be difficult to envision the ideal design. Westend Cushions and Umbrellas in Hemet, California specializes in providing custom outdoor patio furniture, and we’ll guide you towards backyard bliss with the five best tips for arranging outdoor patio furniture. To learn more or to purchase a new patio furniture set, contact us today by calling (951) 925-6015.

1. Start From Scratch

Trying to envision where to place new outdoor patio furniture in a cluttered yard is next to impossible. Start with a clean slate, moving all of your furniture to the sides of the yard so the space is completely empty. This will help you visualize the best possible arrangement, as well as if you need any additional items to complete your patio furniture set. Take some measurements of the yard as well, as this will help you make decisions when it comes to purchasing new furniture.

2. Find Your Centerpiece

You want to focus your furniture all around one central focal point. This could be an outdoor fireplace, bar, pool, or simply the area with the most gorgeous view. Once you have your outdoor centerpiece, it makes arranging your outdoor patio furniture much more straightforward.

3. Put Down Your Anchor

Every furniture set has an anchor, which is the largest piece of the patio furniture set. The anchor has the fewest options in terms of placement since it is so big, so you need to find the best place for it before placing the rest of the furniture. Once you find the best place for your largest piece of patio furniture, you can start placing the smaller pieces around it.

4. Leave Some Elbow Room

When trying to maximize space and efficiency, it can be tempting to arrange patio furniture very close together. However, make sure you clear enough space so people have room to spread out and move around without causing a traffic jam. You want you and your guests to feel relaxed when lounging outside, not claustrophobic.

5. Have an End Product in Mind

What do you like to do outside? Are you a big entertainer, having groups of eight to ten people over for extravagant brunches and dinner parties? Maybe you love nothing more than lying down on a comfortable chair in sun, or just want to invite some friends over to watch the big game. No matter your outdoor preference, you need to identify it and build your outdoor furniture around this idea. If you have an end purpose in mind, it can make design discussions much more simple.

Contact Westend Cushions and Umbrellas for Patio Furniture

Once you have assessed your outdoor area and have a patio furniture design idea in mind, it is time to purchase the patio furniture you need to make your idea a reality. At Westend Cushions and Umbrellas in Hemet, California, we offer a wide selection of outdoor patio furniture of only the highest quality. We have patio furniture to fit any outdoor space, giving you top-of-the-line, weather-resistant comfort. If you are interested in learning more about our selection of patio furniture or want more tips on how to arrange furniture, contact us today by calling (951) 925-6015.